在选品工具 Tactical Arbitrage 上弄半天,设置好要查的网站,选好分类和最基础的过滤条件,等了一晚上之后,早上发现啥都没跑出来,直接就是 0 product,或者 products 数量超少。
比如我第一次用 TA 搜 Belk 的时候,用最低的搜索过滤条件只出来 39 个结果,然后挨个看了下,有很多对不上的和不可售的,很快发现一个都没选到。
然后再去搜下一个网站,有可能也是这样,就有点对 TA 灰心。
如果是这样的话,我建议你一定要试试 TA 的这个懒人选品功能!就是 “Always be Scanning”,它自动帮我们找!
比如我开着这个 Always be scanning 才几天,已经帮我找到了 1000 多件产品。关键是我啥都没做,太爽了!
快速利用 Tactical Arbitrage Always be Scanning 功能的流程
不需要看那么多,反正我的习惯是只看我的主营分类。举个例子衣服类(我不卖衣服 [捂脸] ),选完就只有400多个产品了
2.点击 move all 到一个新建的文件夹,方面对比查看
这个页面看不了产品对比,而且一眼看上去很懵,我们移到文件夹里,那里的页面就和网站 search 出来的结果一样啦!
点击 move all 之后右边 create 那里新建一个名字就好,然后点 move all 会从这个 always be scanning 的队列里去除,如果点 copy all 就是这边也保留,新文件夹里也复制一份
3.去首页 view data 里找到这个新建的文件夹查看
Dashboard – View data – Saved List – 选择对应文件夹
4.去掉货币单位是 CDN 的加拿大货源干扰项
方法是点击 Price 降序,然后前面的就都是 CDN,然后选中都删掉就好~
5.可以开始用 TA 对比选品了~
如果你也想试用下 Tactical Arbitrage 这个超好用的软件,可以点 这里
You have hit the mark. In it something is also idea good, I support.
The ramen incident: I have decided to remain anonymous to protect my identity from the foolishness. last night, I became hungry and decided to make some ramen. I removed the various packets from the bowl, added the flavor and vegetables, then put the bowl in the microwave. After about a minute or two, I realized something was wrong. A terrible burning smell had filled my kitchen. I opened the door to my microwave and…low and behold…I had neglected to add water. There was some smoke coming from the bowl. Not wanting to waste the ramen, I went to the sink and added water, which filled the room in acrid smoke for several seconds. I then returned the bowl to the microwave and cooked it for two more minutes before attempting to eat it. Well….It went okay for a little while, until I discovered a globule of blackened noodles which had turned into some sort of strange crystalline substance yet seen in nature by humankind. I had a change of heart.
A circular of cheer for your post.Much thanks again. Cool.