所有的 AI 工具上来都要给一些提示词 Prompts,或者理解为指令,让机器知道你想干什么,往往使用这类工具创作的话,提的问题比回答更重要,用久了就能有深刻的体会。
Jane 和 Phil 住在不同的城市,他们很相爱,但是有一年时间没见了,在这个情人相聚的时刻,Phil 决定要写一封情书给 Jane。
关于语调 Tone of voice 选择了 Casual,感觉放松才有真情实感。
选择输出三个版本,点击 Generate,等待 5 秒
版本 1,俗套的纽约伦敦双城记,pass
我展开文档,不给提示直接接着让 AI 写。但似乎 AI 很离谱,竟然写出“写这封信来邀请你飞到我的城市”这样的话???这怕不是封分手信。
为了让 AI 长点心,好好写,我提示他最好用点比喻表达想念。
点 Generate 之后这段输出还不错。
但感觉还需要升华下,于是让他加点济慈 Keats 的感觉。
好的,AI 成长了,真的很济慈,有种读 Bright Star 的感觉。
把最终的 love letter 贴出来:
My dearest Jane,
I have been yearning for you every day since we parted ways. It feels like an eternity has passed since we last saw each other. Every time I close my eyes, I can see your beautiful face smiling back at me, and I am engulfed with a warmth that radiates from my soul.
You are like a sweet melody to me, the most beautiful song that I never tire of listening to. You light up my life with your sunshine, and your presence is like a cool breeze on a hot summer day.
My love for you is not like a summer flower that fades away in the cold winter winds, but instead like a rose that blooms in the sun and grows stronger with each petal.
You have been my source of warmth and strength through this long journey apart, and I am forever grateful for our love. Let us come together again soon, and I promise that I will never let go of your hand.
Love always,
As tears welled up in her eyes, Jane knew that no matter what happened next – whether they could be together or not – their love would stay strong forever.